Join Us

Member Benefits

  • Members receive an informative newsletter on a regular basis.
  • The association helps with sourcing quality materials and those “hard to get” items.
  • General camaraderie in a rather solitary profession and the feeling of belonging to a Proud Trade.
  • Generous Member discounts from certain Suppliers of Materials.

Full Members – Those who are actually suitably experienced in the manufacture of Saddles, Harness and Equestrian Strapping in Australia. Subject to appropriate interview and approval of Bonafides by the Executive of SHMAA Inc.Fee $85 (Waved for genuine Apprentices).

Associate Members – Any person wishing to sincerely support the aims and policies of SHMAA.
Subject to appropriate interview and signed agreement to support the Aims and Policies of SHMAA Inc.
Fee $55

Apply to the Secretary for and fill in the application form and send it with a Cheque for appropriate fees to the Treasurer.